Internal monitoring platform for AMD international activities
Platform description
Constitute an international level center of expertise in public management and development in Africa.
Who are we ?
Created in 2006, Associés en Management public et Développement (AMD International) is a study, consultancy, technical assistance and training office which has acquired internationally recognized expertise. The Office is in fact active in several African countries where it mainly intervenes on the themes: public policies, public and local finances, international aid management, engineering of development projects and programs, human resources management. To carry out its missions, AMD International mobilizes skills in several sectors such as: economic, administrative and local governance, infrastructure, mines and energy, trade, industry and crafts, ICT. , health, education, technical and vocational training, employment and social protection, food and nutritional security, agriculture, water and sanitation, environment and gender.
Our vision
Establish an international level center of expertise in public management and development in Africa.